Upcoming Sessions

Testimonials & Impact

“Working with these girls for a very long time has been amazing. I’ve know some for 5+ years and some for barely a week, but I feel like working on this huge project together has made us all even closer. One of my favorite things on the whole process was physically building the actual parklet with the other girls. It was so much fun to work together and hear everyone’s ideas and strategies. Another thing I really enjoyed was the woman from the landscaping architecture firm who talked to us about what they do and some of their advice on our parklet. It also gave me ideas of careers I might want to go into in the future.”

— Mikaela

“Girls Garage has opened up doors to so many different worlds that I would have not known existed if it wasn’t for this program. It shows every girl that they have in each of them a person who can do anything. They give you tools that can be used throughout your whole life along with an amazing community that cheers you on every step of the way.”

— Iris

“When I showed up for my first Protest and Print class, I wasn’t sure who I was, what I wanted to do, or why I joined. But I was met with open arms and surrounded by girls and instructors who showed me my purpose and gave me a sense of belonging. The creation of my first piece was just the beginning of my journey to making sure my voice was heard and representing those who were being misrepresented or not represented at all.”

— Aisha, 16 years old

“If this place has taught me anything, it’s to be resilient and to be fearless. So I look forward to the next project. I look forward to the next commitment. I look forward to the next build. I look forward to being fearless.”

— Nautica, 15 years old

participating youth since 2013


projects completed since 2013


teen students attending at no cost