Your donation makes our work possible and lets girls and gender-expansive youth know that they have an entire community of support! Across our after-school and summer programs, more than half of our girls attend with full or partial financial support, and all of our teen students attend Girls Garage at no cost. For more detailed information about our impact, view our Impact Statement here.

All donations are tax-deductible and go straight to the cost of materials, wood, steel, hardware, instructor salaries, and direct program expenses. We can’t do this without you!


Give Today

How Your Dollars Help


Funds one fully-stocked toolbox for a girl and gender-expansive youth


Purchases safety gear for a year


Funds one participant to attend Young Women’s Design + Building Institute


Funds one year-round scholarship for Advanced Design/Build participant


Funds fully-stocked toolboxes for 20 teens


Supports our pro bono building projects for nonprofit clients

Your support at any level creates tangible, long-lasting impact for our fearless builder girls and gender-expansive youth. A one-time or monthly donation supports materials, tools, scholarships, and staffing for our 28 programs per year!

For donations over $1000 or questions about giving, please email our Director of Development, Kristy Higares, at

Give Today

“Girls Garage has opened up doors to so many different worlds that I would have not known existed if it wasn’t for this program. It shows every girl that they have in each of them a person who can do anything. They give you tools that can be used throughout your whole life along with an amazing community that cheers you on every step of the way.”

— Iris

“Free tuition at Girls Garage has eliminated any barriers that could deprive me of an experience that I believe all girls should have access to. It has allowed me to practice something I am passionate about, in a safe space, without having to worry about fees, as well as allowed some of my closest friends to attend these empowering classes with me. If I wasn’t able to be a part of Girls Garage, I would have never found my love for engineering and design, which is what I’m going to do in college and as a career in the future.”

— Erica, 17 years old

“I loved being able to help the community and form bonds with other girls and non binary people. It was so nice to have a space where everyone listened to each other and genuinely wanted to understand one another. ”

— Vivian, 17 years old

“Being in an all-girls space has been a beautiful experience. I will never forget all the support given to me through this program, and all the memories will forever live on in my heart. I got to connect with so many girls and women who have the power to do whatever they put their minds to, and it’s truly been inspirational. I loved being able to connect with so many other girls from different backgrounds, and I’ve created unbreakable bonds. I came into Girls Garage not knowing anyone and came out with sisters.”

— Ameera

amount of free programming and scholarships offered in 2022


student served in 2022