After interviewing Girls Garage founder Emily Pilloton, Jeff Roberts of Family Handyman developed a series of articles about our work, our girls, and our book.

Part One: Girls Garage Book Empowers Young Women to Build, Believe

The first segment is on the recently launched Girls Garage book. Emily explains that, yes, the book is definitely about tools, but it’s also about the agency that comes from building. She says that tools are a metaphor for power, for voice, and for how we see ourselves in the world.


Part Two: Nonprofit Helps Girls Build the World They Want to See

The second piece covers the story behind Girls Garage and some of our projects. In it, Emily said that “Girls Garage evolved out of that desire to give a physical voice to young people to say ‘This is what I want my world to look like and I am going to build it that way.'”


Part Three: Why More Women Are Considering Careers in the Trades

The third article shows our work within the larger context of pushing for equal representation of women in the trades. In this capstone to our interview series with Family Handyman, see how demographics of those interested in the trades is shifting, the benefits and challenges of becoming a tradeswoman, and how to get started.