Materials and processes: Chop Saw, Jigsaw, Drill, Driver

Session: Wood Class, Spring 2019

Builders: 10 girls, ages 9-13

Description: Ten enthusiastic girls enjoyed this six-class session, each week building a new surprise element of their bench! The first step of building the wooden benches was to cut the length of the bench legs with a chop saw. The girls drew designs into four bench legs and made their decorative cuts using jig saws. They then sanded to their hearts’ delights before moving on to assembly. For the seat frames, girls made 45 degree miter cuts with the chop saw to create six diagonal pieces. They clamped the pieces together and used drills and drivers to assemble them. Finally, they constructed a sturdy pyramid of benches and climbed all over them before bringing them home!

Check out this video of Sophia, age 10, building her bench!