Session: Protest + Print, winter 2022
Artists: 8 students
Materials: rug-tufting gun, yarn in various colors, 2x4s, canvas, computer paper, colored card stock paper, risograph machine + inks, black pens, scissors
Description: In the winter session of Protest + Print, our students conceptualized their own ancestral and cultural “talismans,” icons, objects and memories that give them strength. The talismans ranged from a cactus to a pot of beans to a bike wheel. In the rug-tufting component of the project, instructors Emily Pilloton-Lam and Augusta Sitney demonstrated how to use a rug-tufting gun, and our students paired off to start tufting. Meanwhile in the print component, instructor Bethany Kaylor led the teen artists in a visualization exercise, ultimately culminating in each student designing and writing their own tarot card. After a quick demo of the riso do’s and don’ts, our students got to work printing their tarot cards on various colored paper and with different inks!